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发布时间: 2013-09-06 14:08:57   作者:侯琛   浏览次数:


Bidding Announcement


CMC International Tendering Company (hereinafter referred to as “the Procurement Agent”), entrusted by Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the Purchaser”), now invites eligible and qualified law firms (hereinafter referred to as “the Bidder”) to submit sealed bids for selection of foreign law firms’ entry into the Ministry of Commerce’s Candidate List of Law Firms —sub-list for World Trade Organization (WTO) and Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) dispute resolution by public competitive bidding.


Bidding Contents


For the project of Ministry of Commerce’s Candidate List of Law Firms — sub-List for WTO and RTA Dispute Resolution( Foreign Law Firm ), the maximum number of the winning Bidder shall be 15. If the number of the eligible and qualified Bidder is between 8 to 15, the last one in comprehensive score shall be phased out.


Qualifications of the Bidder


The Bidder shall meet the following conditions:

1) 投标人应为在中国境外合法设立的律师事务所(含在港澳台地区注册的律师事务所);

The Bidder shall be a law firm legally established outside the territory of China, or established in Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR or Taiwan Province of China;

2) 具有独立承担民事责任的能力;

Having the ability to independently undertake civil liabilities;

3) 具有良好的商业信誉和健全的财务会计制度;

Having good business reputation and sound financial and accounting system;

4) 具有承办委托法律服务事项的团队和能力。

Having a team with the ability to provide the entrusted legal services.


Having bought the Bidding Document of this project.


Method of Obtaining the Bidding Document

1) 本项目招标文件为PDF格式电子文件。

The Bidding Document of this project is an electronic version in PDF format.

2) 招标文件发售时间:201396日上午9302013108日下午4:00。(北京时间)

Time Availability of the Bidding Document: starting from 9:30 am September 6 ,2013 to 4:00 pm October 8,2013.(Beijing Time)


The price of the Bidding Document is USD 80.00, which is non-refundable after sale.

3) 投标人可通过浏览附件1以了解本项目服务要求。如需购买招标文件,可通过银行将标书款电汇至中机国际招标公司账户(开户行:中国银行总行营业部,开户人:中机国际招标公司,账号:7783 5003 9515,银行代码:KKCHCNBJ)。

Bidders may browse Annex 1 to see the service requirements of this project. If intending to buy the Bidding Document, the Bidder may transmit the Bidding Document fees by telegraphic transfer (T/T) to the account of CMC International Tendering Company (Bank Name: Bank of China, Head Office, BeneficiaryCMC International Tending Company ,account No.:7783 5003 9515, Swift code: KKCHCNBJ).


To obtain the Bidding Document through email, the Bidder shall complete “Application Form for Purchase of Bidding Documents” see Annex 2) and send the scanning copy of this form and Bank Transfer Voucher of the Bidding Document fees to the email address of houchen@citc.genertec.com.cn for obtaining the Bidding Document. The Procurement Agent will send electronic Bidding Document to the Bidder within 12 hours after receipt of the said email.

如投标人通过在中国通用招标网(www.china-tender.com.cn)下载的方式获取招标文件, 投标人须在中国通用招标网(www.china-tender.com.cn)注册(注册帮助电话:010-63348126010-.;联系人:刘青刚、李国梁)。注册完成后,将标书款银行汇款凭证扫描件发电子邮件至houchen@citc.genertec.com.cn。采购代理机构将在收到邮件后12 小时内开通投标人下载招标文件权限。

To download the Bidding Document on “www.china-tender.com.cn”,Bidders should register on “www.china-tender.com.cn”(Register assist Tel.:+ 86 10-63348126+ 86 10-.;Contact person:Liu Qinggang, Li Guoliang ). After successfully registered the Bidder should send the scanning copy of Bank Transfer Voucher of the Bidding Document fees to the email address of “houchen@citc.genertec.com.cn”. The Procurement Agent will give the Bidder permission to download the Bidding Document within 12 hours after receipt of the said email.

4) 项目负责人:侯琛;电话:+ 86 10-63348495;传真:+ 86 10-63373561;电子邮箱:houchen@citc.genertec.com.cn

Project manager: HouChen Tel: +86 10-63348495. Fax: +86 10-63373561

Email: houchen@citc.genertec.com.cn



Deadline for Bid Submission: 9:30am October 9, 2013, (Beijing Time)


The amount of the Bid Security: RMB 7,000.00 yuan or equivalent of US Dollars or Euros(The bid security and its interest will be returned within five working days after Notification of Award is issued)


The bidding service fee: If winning the bidthe Bidder shall pay RMB 7000 yuan or equivalent of US Dollars or Euros to the Procurement Agent. If winning other bid in other sub-list of the Ministry of Commerces Candidate List of Law Firms, the Bidder shall pay RMB 5600 yuan or equivalent of US Dollars or Euros per package.


Place for Bids Submission


If submitted before the very day of the deadline, the bids should be submitted to the following address:


Room 1004, Genertec Plaza


No. 90, XisanhuanZhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, China


Zip code: 100055


If submitted before the deadline, Bids may be delivered in person or by mail. In case of mail delivery, the time of receiving and signing the bids by the Procurement Agent is regarded as the time of the bid submitted.


If submitted on the very day of the deadline for bid submission, Bids should be submitted to the following address:


The 1st Meeting Room, the 3rd Floor, Genertec Plaza


No. 90, XisanhuanZhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, China


6. Bid Opening


The bid opening will take place at 9:30am on October 9, 2013 (Beijing Time) by the Procurement Agent at the 1st Meeting Room, the 3rd Floor, Genertec Plaza. The representatives of the bidders may attend the ceremony.


The Purchaser: Ministry of Commerce, P.R. China


Address: No.2, Dong Chang An Street, Beijing, P.R. China

电话:+ 00 86 10-65198980

Tel:+ 00 86 10- 65198980


The Procurement Agent: CMC International Tendering Company


Address: No. 90, XisanhuanZhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, P.R. China

电话:+ 00 86 10-63348495

Tel: + 00 86 10-63348495


Date: September 6, 2013


Annex 1Service Requirements


Part 1: Law Firm’s Work Items and Contents


The law firm shall assist in providing the following services consistent with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China:


1.The law firm is to provide legal service in the consultation, panel, appeal and implementation stage for WTO or RTA dispute cases as a disputing party or third party.


2.The law firm is supposed to analyze WTO, RTA and other relevant international rules; collect evidence; attend substantive meetings in the process of WTO and RTA dispute settlement, etc; participate in preparing legal documents; advise on procedural issues in WTO and RTA dispute settlement; summarize and assess the cases, etc.


Part 2: The Requirements for the Law Firm’s Work Quality


1.Requirements on the content of the work


1.1 Being proficient in the development of cases, such as the historical background and the dispute settlement process.


1.2 Having good command of the measures and the main legal issues involved in disputes.


1.3 Being able to skillfully collect and master the facts of cases.


1.4 The legal claim, argument and reasoning shall be comprehensive, focused, clear and concise.


1.5 Having good command in legal analysis and conclusion, as well as interpretation and use of the rules.


1.6 Having the ability to give detailed analysis of the significance of cases, such as potential impact on the development of the rules of WTO, the domestic and foreign trade.


1.7 Being capable of putting forward legal suggestions based on the actual situation of cases.


2. Requirements on working procedure


2.1 Being capable of Kindly coordinating and cooperating with entrusting party, other related government agencies and other law firm entrusted, if any.


2.2 Providing legal service with the proactive attitude and prospective and well-designed working plan


2.3 Filing up the relevant working documents to the entrusting party in time.


Part 3 The requirement on the project team


1. Requirements on Capacity


The number of the team shall be sufficient, and the members are qualified and experienced to provide the relevant legal services.


2. The requirements on attitude


The team members shall fulfill their duties, with due prudence and diligence, complete the work strictly according to the agenda.


Annex 2: Application Form for Purchase of Bidding Documents


Name of Project


Bid No.




Contact Information


邮编(Post Code):

联系人(Contact Person):

电话(Tel. No.)


传真(Fax No.):







I hereby declare that the content I have filled out in the column of " Name of Bidder " is the name of the Bidder and I take full responsibility for the authentication and accuracy of all information above.



